Crystal Corral comments

Viewer for RPT files

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rating Lawrence Winstead
These downloads don't work. The developer link (Groff Automation) takes you to their successor product, "Crystal Delivery", which offers similar functionality with the added benefit of scheduling. In fact, Crystal Delivery seems to focus on the scheduling of reports; simply viewing reports seems to be a secondary focus. In any case, if you're looking for Crystal Corral, assume it's dead and try their Crystal Delivery product instead.

Feb 15, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Dr. Pankaj Maijerwar
Doesn't work.

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Alternative downloads

Crystal Reports

Simple, Affordable, and Open BI Tools for Everyday Use

Easy View

It is a solution for distributing and viewing your Crystal Reports files (.rpt).

Crystal Delivery

Scheduling application with support for Crystal Reports.